Tourist tax - Information for 2024

The tourist tax was introduced by the Municipality of Cervia, with Resolution C.C. n. 50 / 29.09.2015, subsequently amended with Deliberations C.C. nn. 83/21.12.2015, 12/22.03.2016, 51/27.07.2017, 83/20.12.2017, 13/25.02.2020, 50/29.09.2020, 3/28.01.2021 and, lastly n. 21/04.05.23.

With City Council resolution n. 233/07.11.2023, the tariffs for the year 2024 have been defined for the period of application (from 1st May to 30th September).

This tax has been introduced with the aim of funding investments and actions exclusively in favour of the tourist economy.


Who pays this tax?

This tax is owed by the persons who, as non-residents in the town of Cervia, are accommodated in lodgings in the area of the municipality of Cervia – including buildings intended to be used for short rent stays as per art. 4, comma 5-ter of Legislative Decree 24/04/2017 - in the area of the town of Cervia in compliance with the Regional Law about tourism. In accordance with Article 180 of Decree Law no. 34 dated 19 May 2020 (the “Relaunch Decree”), managers of accommodation facilities are responsible for payment of the tourist tax, with a right to recourse from the taxable persons referenced in Article 3 of the Regulations, who failed to pay the tourist tax.


For more information:

Servizio Tributi

Piazza Garibaldi. n. 1 – 48015 (RA)

0544/979.298 0544/979.120

How much do you pay?

The tax is due for each night you stay in a tourist accommodation in the area of the municipality of Cervia - including buildings intended to be used for short rent stays as per art. 4, comma 5-ter of Legislative Decree 24/04/2017 - of Cervia, in compliance with the Regional Law about tourism, for a maximum of consecutive 7 overnights.


from 1.5 to 30.9

Exemptions year 2024 and form

The following subjects are exempted from the payment of the tourist tax:

a) minors from 0 to 14 years old;

b) people who take care of patients hospitalised in medical institutions located in the municipality of Cervia, one caretaker each patient;

c) members of the Italian armed forces or law enforcement from the state, regions, provinces or municipalities corps, as well as the Italian Fire Army and Civil Protection while on duty in Cervia; 

d) coach drivers and tourist guides accompanying and assisting groups organized by travel and tourist agencies. The exemption applies to one coach driver and one tourist guide in 25 travellers;

e) the staff of accommodation facilities that, in the exercise of its work function, stays as a free guest at the accommodation facilities located in the Municipality of Cervia;

f) the students who are doing internships in accommodation facilities; 
for the hypothesis referred to letter f) the certificate from the school;

g) persons with at least 80 percent disability;

h) caretakers of people with at least 80 percent disability that receive a contribution from INPS or INAIL, one caretaker for each disabled person.

i) groups of pensioners aged at least 65, organized by local public bodies (social tourism) staying in 1, 2 or 3 star Hotels. This exemption does not apply in July and August.

j) Cervia Municipality, whenever guests are accommodated at an expense of the municipality itself;

k) people who are accommodated by public authorities in lodgings, in consequence of measures adopted to cope with emergency events such as natural disasters or extraordinary incidents and for humanitarian purposes.

The implementation of the exemption requires the presentation of the following forms by the entitled persons to the owner of the tourist accommodation:

  • for the cases as per letters c), d), e) g), h) and j) a declaration form and sworn statement in compliance with Presidential Decree n. 445/2000 and following modifications. As per letter j) the required declaration is signed by the officer in charge.
  • for the cases as per letter b) a declaration form and sworn statement in compliance with Presidential Decree n. 445/2000 and following modifications, containing the personal details of the patient’s caretakers or parents, the period of hospitalisation or medical treatment along with the declaration that the stay is aimed at receiving medical assistance for the patient;
  • for the case referred to letter f) the certificate from the school;
  • for the case as per letter i) an appropriate documentation stating that the stay has been organized by a local public body;
  • for the case as per letter k) a copy of the agreement and/or of any other provision.

Exemptions Self-certification form

Ultimo aggiornamento: 10/04/2024 10:47.17